Cash Pick Up

Send Money For Instant Cash Pick Up By Your Loved Ones.

Money transfer with us for direct cash pick up can be either by use of our app or via alternative methods in our various jurisdictions, this can include paying in at the counter, using accredited agents or our telebanking method. A beneficiary can then pick up the cash virtually instant from our wide global network of cash pick-up points within our destination countries. We guarantee secure, fast and affordable services at all times.

Via our Mobile App

  • Select the country you are sending from, if required.

  • Choose the country you wish to send to.

  • Select ‘Cash Pick Up’ as the delivery method.

  • Input the amount you wish to send, or the amount you wish the recipient to receive.

  • Select an existing recipient or add a new recipient.

  • Select Purpose of Transfer.

  • Select your preferred payment method.

  • Follow the on-screen instructions to finalise the transaction. This may require you to enter your MPIN number to verify the transaction.

  • Your Bank may also request further authorisation for security.